
Showing posts with the label you tube

DN-01 by Honda, Power, Style and 25km/ltr without shifting gears

First came the airbag for a motorbike fitted on the Goldwing and now Honda launched the sequential manual and automated transmission bike the DN-01, which Honda Claims it is a crossover bike. Why CROSSOVER? A bike which can be what you want it to be. It looks like a sport bike with its sharp design but it has front controls and a comfy seat and handles so you can't call it a sport bike or a cruiser especially since it can zip thru traffic like a scooter but even if it has an F1 type synchronized automatic transmition which Honda calls Human-Friendly Transmission (HFT) and it's as easy to drive as a scooter, but then again you can't call it scooter so my def is A SPORT CITY CRUISER... ' Honda Motor, Co., Ltd. announced that sales of the DN-01 larg e sports cruiser will begin in Japan on Friday, March 7. The unique, low-styling body features a liquid-cooled four-stroke 680 cc OHC V-twin engine that resonates power and a new automatic transmission, the Human-Friendly Tran...

I ran out of fuel? Will I make it on time and fast enough to the next petrol station?

Who can resist to the fascinating pairing of Rolex and Pagani, united together for such an emotional spot. And the question is which machine ran out of fuel? Is it the V12 AMG Mercedes of the Zonda F Roadster that needs a fill up?

Fiat 500 vs Mini One

And the winner is?

Saab Aero X, Now Available in Icy Version too...

JUKKASJARVI, Sweden — In this video, Saab gives a tour of the its “Move your mind-room” at the spectacular ICEHOTEL. Apparently when winter cabin fever sets in around here, the Swedes fire up the chainsaws and create unbelievable ice sculptures of such concept cars as the Saab Aero X. The Swedish automaker on Mon day unveiled its icy take on the high- profile Aero X Concept, which is the center piece of its "Saab Move Your Mind" room at the Icehotel. Jukkasjärvi, is located far above the Arctic Circle in northern Sweden . The entire installation is made of ice and features, among many other things, a full scale replica of the Saab Aero X made from –what else, ice

KAWASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKIII- the brand new song for Europe

The title on you tube tells it all Kawasaki: Maco balkanac, the original macho man from balkan jungle, observe it seriously if you can :) but once I saw this video I was left with 2 doubts. What does Kawasaki Motors think about this fantastic marketing ploy and will he make it to the final for the Malta Song for Europe and on to the European Song Festival?

The Peel- The car that hold the record as the smallest car ever produced

in the first video, one can see 2 proud owners of the Peel P50, out of which only 94 were built on the Isle of Man and the 1965 Peel Trident. As for speed it was arounf 40miles an hour but depended alot on what you had for breakfast! NO PARKING PROBLEMS AT ALL, just pull your car wherever you are going... in the following one Jeremy Clarkson goes to work in the Peel P50 microcar from 1963 and if as one expects, it is not love at first sight, it is funny how he is more then attached to this cheeky little thing. They are very rare to find cars and each on of them, if in good conditon carry a price tag of 40,000 STG, even if when you costed less then 200 english pounds and since they did more then 100 miles to the gallon, ir was cheaper to drive one of these then walk... All yours, enjoy If you want some more information this is the official site

Subaru Impreza Rally vs......Snowboard

A spectacular video, filmed in New Zealand, were a bunch of professional snowboarders race against a Subaru Impreza... the result is much more crazy than one can imagine!

Walt Disney's vision of the car of the 1958

An excerpt from the 1958 "Disneyland" TV Show episode entitled "Magic Highway USA". In this last part of the show, an exploration into possible future Transportation technologies is made.Coloured detination roads, chassis that warm up for better control in rain and snow and rapid emergengy flying vehicles are some of the themes in the video. the video also mentions the automatic filling station and car wash system at home, sattelite navigation, automatic pilot videoconference on board and even modular vehicles capable of sperate in smaller and different vehicles. Even trains and containers are revolutionary. even more reolutionary are the vehiclesto build roads and bridges from ceramic material with the help of atomic energy, this is an amazing vision considering that we are talking about 50 years ago It's hard to believe how little we've accomplished on this front since 1958, and how limited the scope for imagining such future technologies has become. Witne...