
Showing posts from January, 2008

Subaru Impreza Rally vs......Snowboard

A spectacular video, filmed in New Zealand, were a bunch of professional snowboarders race against a Subaru Impreza... the result is much more crazy than one can imagine!

Walt Disney's vision of the car of the 1958

An excerpt from the 1958 "Disneyland" TV Show episode entitled "Magic Highway USA". In this last part of the show, an exploration into possible future Transportation technologies is made.Coloured detination roads, chassis that warm up for better control in rain and snow and rapid emergengy flying vehicles are some of the themes in the video. the video also mentions the automatic filling station and car wash system at home, sattelite navigation, automatic pilot videoconference on board and even modular vehicles capable of sperate in smaller and different vehicles. Even trains and containers are revolutionary. even more reolutionary are the vehiclesto build roads and bridges from ceramic material with the help of atomic energy, this is an amazing vision considering that we are talking about 50 years ago It's hard to believe how little we've accomplished on this front since 1958, and how limited the scope for imagining such future technologies has become. Witne...

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